Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 37
Showing: Items 1 - 37
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Cook AND Michael AND B)

Select Item Title Year Published
"Enforcement FIrst" to ensure effective institutional controls at Superfund sites 2006
Addendum to policy for "Close out procedures for National Priorities List sites" / 2005
Analytical methods for compliance and limited alternate test procedures approvals / 1998
Analyzing compensation alternatives for partially or completely demolished structures / 2004
Assessment of emissions from a recent municipal waste combustor 1983
Change in the PWSS program's definition of timely and appropriate actions / 1990
Combined sewer overflows : guidance for nine minimum controls. 1995
Distribution of memorandum of understanding between EPA and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission / 2002
Distribution of OSWER guidance for monitoring at hazardous waste sites : framework for monitoring plan development and implementation / 2004
Enforcement first at Superfund sites : negotiation and enforcement strategies for remedial investigation / feasibility studies (RI/FS) / 2005
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Five year review process in the Superfund program / 2003
Forms II Lite role in tracking Superfund sampling data 2002
Guidance for comparing background and chemical concentrations in soil for CERCLA sites. 2002
Guidance for FY 1987 PWSS enforcement agreements / 1986
Human health toxicity values in Superfund risk assessments 2003
Implementation and enforcement of the lead prohibition and lead public notification requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act in fiscal years 1990 and beyond / 1989
Institutional controls : a citizen's guide to understanding institutional controls at superfund, brownfields, federal facilities, underground storage tank, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act cleanups. 2005
National Remedy Review Board criteria revision / 2005
Policy on regional response to a state which decides to accept the five percent reduction in its PWSS program grant / 1988
Process of handling appeals of permanent relocation claim decisions. 2003
Re-emphasize use and expand tracking of the Superfund reform "Updating Remedy Decisions" / 2005
Regional determinations regarding which sites are not "eligible response sites" under CERCLA Section 101(41)(C)(i), as added by the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act. 2003
Report of the Administrator's Special Construction Grants Task Force. 1975
Requesting clarification on EPA's official position on the use of bottled water by a non-community system to avoid being considered a public water system subject to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) / 1989
Revised definition of significant noncomplier (SNC) and the model for escalating responses to violations for the PWSS program / 1990
Revised response selection and settlement approach for Superfund alternative sites / 2004
Scope of remedial action programs in schools under the lead contamination control act of 1988 / 1998
Superfund environmental indicators guidance manual. 2004
Superfund Sediment Resource Center / 2004
Superfund site progress profiles : status report / 2005
Tracking compliance with administrative orders in the PWSS and UIC programs / 1990
Tracking of institutional controls (IC) and formation of the Superfund IC Management Advisory Committee / 2004
Tracking Superfund non-clp analytical data / 2002
Transmittal of the final handbook for state program revisions under the new primacy regulation / 1990
Use of water treatment chemicals and operation of public water systems during emergencies / 1997
Value engineering for fund-financed remedial design and remedial action projects / 2006

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